Online Classes for Schools
Students and Teachers can attend from Mobile
Automated Attendance Reports
One Click Entry into Class
Now Softwares like Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams, JioMeet, etc all talk to Vawsum giving users a seamless integrated experience they love
With plenty of industry-leading features, Vawsum addresses the requirements of the three main stakeholders of an institution very easily: School, Students and Parents
Our Solution is designed basis inputs from 1000+ institutions
Vawsum is trusted by Institutions across the Country
Frequently asked questions
If you have any doubts beside these, feel free to reach out to us
1. Can I opt for just the Online Classes Module?
This module is only available with our Scholar or Connect Products.
2. Can I use any software like Zoom or GMeet?
3. Is it very difficult to use?
We handhold our clients in the entire journey. Our past experience of onboarding so many schools is a huge asset for you.
4. Can I host multiple classes at the same time?
Yes, you can host multiple classes at the same time.
6. Is it very costly?
We have different packages that we offer to our clients. In most of them, this would be included and hence, free.
7. Can I stop few students from accessing their marksheets?
Yes, you can customise access to mark sheet to individual students.
8. Can my Teachers join classes from mobile?
Yes, teachers can join from mobile.
9. How long does it take to go live?
It hardly takes an hour to go live.