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Fees Bulk Entry Upload from Cashier Panel

1 min read

How to upload Bulk Fees Entries from Cashier Panel:

  1. Login to Vawsum Cashier Panel using your credentials as a Cashier.
  2. Go to Bulk Upload (available on the top Menu).
  3. Next, follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the Bulk Upload process.
  4. Next, Select the Academic Year from the dropdown.
  5. Click on Download Excel to download the Template (Template meant for uploading Fees entries in bulk).
  6. Fill in the Template downloaded with relevant inputs.
  7. In the Excel Template, ensure either Student Admission Number or Student ID or both should be mentioned before uploading the File.
  8. Save the File (Ensure, File Name should not be changed).
  9. Next, Click on Choose File.
  10. Click on Upload (to upload File).
  11. Click Ok on the prompts to proceed with the upload process.
  12. Page will reflect the list of uploaded entries.
  13. Next Click on Approve All button (green button available above the list of entries).
  14. Or, individual entries could be approved separately (green Tick available beside each entries available extreme right).
  15. Check for any Invalid Entries (Remarks available for each available entries).
  16. Edit and Save each invalid entries (available extreme right beside each entries).
  17. The edited entry would get auto approved.
  18. Wait for 5-10 minutes, all entries would start reflecting in Cashier Panel.

Watch the video to know more.

How Cashier Can Upload Fees Entries in Bulk

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