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How to collect fees using Vawsum Cashier Panel?

< 1 min read

To collect fees using Vawsum App follow the given steps :

1. log in to Admin Control Panel using your credentials.

2. Click on Fees located at Left Navigation Panel .

3. Click on the Collect icon.

4. Enter Cashier Panel using Cashier Username and Password to proceed further to carry out the required task.

5. Select the Academic Year for which you want to collect the fees.

6. Select the Fee Book option.

7. Search and Click on Student Name (Cashier can search students by Name/Class/Roll No./Any Unique ID pre defined for the Students, e.g.- Admission ID, Reg. ID etc. )

8. Click on Student Name would open the Collection Page for the Student

9. Now Cashier can select and collect Fees for the desired months/semesters

Watch The Video To Know More

https://youtu.be/TpxA01JSLV8 https://youtu.be/ioGHHwcP5ig

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