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Now Cashiers can Map Examination from Cashier Panel Add Student ?

< 1 min read

Follow the given steps to map Students with Feebooks and Examinations from the admin panel, add students:

  1. Login to Vawsum Cashier Panel using your credentials as a Cashier.
  2. Go to Student and Add a Student (available on the top right corner on screen).
  3. Fill in the details required on the Page.
  4. Select the desired Class and Section.
  5. Select the Fee Book to be mapped.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. Click Ok on prompt to Map any desired Examination created and set for the Academic Session for respective Class.
  8. Screen would next auto redirect to Map desired School Fee Books and Examinations to be mapped (Examinations can also be mapped later as required).
  9. After you put a Tick on the Check Boxes beside each desired Examinations to be mapped, Click on Update Mappings (available at the bottom of the page).
  10. Click Ok on prompt of Successful Mapping for each segments (Fees & Examination).
  11. New Student added and mapped successfully with required School Fee Books and Examinations.

Watch the video to know more.

Cashier can Map Examination from Cashier Panel Add Student

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