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1000+ Schools trust us. Our vast experience ensures we know what works. We know the common pitfalls and the challenges. Choose India's Leading School App if you want a foolproof solution which will work. There is no Trial and Error with us.
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Our Products
We use a Mobile First approach in each of our Solutions to ensure even Users not having computers can benefit from our Solution. Now Learning will be truly Inclusive
Vawsum Scholar
Improve Performance of Students
If Parents and Teachers work together, magic happens
SmartApp: In-App Repository of Reference Videos
Live Classes: Seamless integration with Zoom, G-Meet, Jio Meet, etc.
Files & Pictures: Reference Materials, Study Plans & School Magazines
Quizzes and Exams: Instant in-app MCQ examinations, with Question Bank
Assessments: Paper-pen Examinations
Smart Diary: Classwork, homework updates at the touch of a button

Vawsum Connect
Increase Engagement
Now information and updates will flow seamlessly
Announcements: In-app and SMS notifications
Pictures: Share the Golden Moments
Polls: Feedbacks and Surveys
Celebrations: Automated Birthday wishes and E-cards
Messaging: School Directory and 1 to 1 updates to users

Vawsum Secure+
Improve Student Security
Hassle-free, economical Hardware free solution
Attendance: Hardware-free updates for classroom and live classes
Visitor Scanner: Digital Visitor management
Escort Cards: In-app Escort Cards
Bus Track: Hardware free OLA-UBER style tracking

Vawsum Growth
Drive Admissions
Leverage new-age tools and techniques to Drive Admissions.
Referral Programs: In-App referral Program Manager
Lead Management: Funnel Management
Lead Engagement: In-app Lead engagement to maximize conversions
Campaign Analysis: Monitor ROI of different Campaigns
Online Admissions: Accept online form submissions and payments
Websites: Is the first step toward a Digital presence
Digital Marketing: A good Online strategy can be a competitive advantage

Vawsum ERP
Seamless Operations
Error Free, simple, fast and easy to use Solution for Quick deployment
User Management: Student and Staff Management
Fees Module: Online collections with due date reminders. Know More…
Mark Sheets: In-app and Printable options. Know More…
Payroll and Leave Management: Quick reporting
Asset Management: Inventory and Consumables
Expenses Management: Decrease leakages
Library Management: In stock and Due Books.
Know More…
Time Table Management: In-app view

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1. What is a School or College Management Software?
A student information system (SIS), student management system, school administration software or student administration system is a management information system for education establishments used to manage student data. Student information systems provide capabilities for registering students in courses; documenting grading, transcripts, results of student tests and other assessment scores; building student schedules; tracking student attendance; and managing many other student-related data needs in a school.
Information security is a concern, as universities house an array of sensitive personal information, making them potentially attractive targets for security breaches, such as those experienced by retail corporations or healthcare providers.
The school management software allows schools to digitally monitor the daily activities along with managing all the resources and information on a single platform. Most of the schools use school management software to increase efficiency and productivity. They save a lot of time involved to carry out various repetitive administrative operations. Such softwares also help in reducing the pressure of managing huge data from schools. Right from keeping a track of a student’s attendance to generating aesthetic report cards with a single click, school management software let schools perform a large number of tasks with the power of automation Parents can easily keep track of their ward’s performance and look after his or her academic needs. Not to mention, school management system have rightly replaced the traditional method of data management with pen and register, thus reducing the possibility of errors in the process. Furthermore, a lot of expenditure and time is saved, letting the school staff perform more work in a lesser amount of time and that too with higher accuracy Whilst the whole process of administration rüns seamlessly schools can deliver students a more effective and constructive academic experience than ever before, therefore providing every student with an educational experience that is more tailored Vawsum’s school management system is one such software that has been specially designed and developed to conform to all the requirements of different schools. It not only saves you time and money but also helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity of your workforce High speed, security, and ease of use are some of the features that come with Vawsum School Management Software.
2. What is a Learning Management System?
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. The learning management system concept emerged directly from e-Learning. Although the first LMS appeared in the higher education sector, the majority of the LMSs today focus on the corporate market. Learning Management Systems make up the largest segment of the learning system market. The first introduction of the LMS was in the late 1990s.
Learning management systems were designed to identify training and learning gaps, utilizing analytical data and reporting. LMSs are focused on online learning delivery but support a range of uses, acting as a platform for online content, including courses, both asynchronous based and synchronous based. An LMS may offer classroom management for instructor-led training or a flipped classroom, used in higher education, but not in the corporate space. Modern LMSs include intelligent algorithms to make automated recommendations for courses based on a user’s skill profile as well as extract meta-data from learning materials in order to make such recommendations even more accurate.
3. What is a School Engagement Application?
One of the basic, as well as the most important requirement of any school, is a reliable, compatible, and secure communication channel. In this day and age, a school mobile app has become a necessity for all schools and educational institutions so that they get in contact with their faculties and parents and inform them about updates. Communication, which plays a key role in the efficient management of any organization, must be speedy, straightforward, and transparent. An app based on user understanding which also covers the complete academic lifecycle of any given student is a must for every educational institution.
We understand that you are anxious and have many doubts. Schedule a Consultation session with us for FREE. We will ensure that you pick the right solution for your school or college. Leverage our vast experience of having worked with hundreds of institutions across demography and economic profiles.