Want an Overall Development of a Student? Try VAWSUM!

When it comes to VAWSUM, the development of a student is of the utmost importance. Be it in any area of school life, VAWSUM looks into the overall development of the child in every aspect.
If you are a parent and want the overall development of your student (child) then it is sure that you had tried making the dish that your child loves, with the ingredients that you want (if your child doesn’t want to have the ingredients that you want your child to have) and the child would eat it with joy and happiness. But why does this even happen? What makes the child eat it? Well, the answer is, the child got what he/she wanted. Now imagine, if one could use this same policy for the development of a student, then how much more developed each student can become. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? This is exactly why you need VAWSUM.
We provide an online platform for students when it comes to studies. Let us elaborate it:
- The teacher can upload homework over the app and students can do the homework and upload it. Students would love to do this type of homework as shifting paper-based homework to an online platform can make students enjoy the assignment And when students enjoy an assignment, they are more likely to complete it and do a better job. Assigning a digital form of homework means one doesn’t have missing assignments. The online platform can be very interactive as students can read their classmates’ uploaded homework and leave comments. This helps in the overall development of the student.
- The teacher can upload links, photos, and documents. This creates an atmosphere of a smart class. This is very helpful for auditory and visual learners as this enhances their speed of learning, and thus fostering their development.
- The attendance module of the App makes sure that the students don’t miss classes unnecessarily, and as we all know, “The First step to Success is Showing Up”. Therefore, this too enhances the student development.
- Using the app, a teacher can upload pictures of school activities. Now say for an example, John comes first in a 100-meter race and his picture gets uploaded. Paul, who is also a sprinter, sees this and makes it a point to work hard such that his picture is uploaded the next year. This is what exactly happened in a school. Young people love the limelight and when he/she knows that the audience would be the entire school then they work harder towards their own development.
- One can also track the school bus of his/her child by using this app. This ensures the safety of the child.
- The teacher can communicate with each parent one on one using the app. This helps when the parent-teacher meeting is hard to come by. It can be because of many reasons(few reasons could be, unavailability of the parent or the teacher a given day). This actually helps when a teacher needs to inform a parent regarding something on the very day of its occurrence. For example, if a math teacher sees that a student is having difficulty with multiplication, then he/she doesn’t have to wait for the next PTM. He/she can inform the parent at that very moment and the parent can easily look into it. This feature thus creates a very interactive atmosphere between a parent and a teacher and this is bound to enhance the overall development of the student.
Now, when the child enjoys his/her academics, gets incentives for co-curricular activities, is assured security and there is very good communication between the parent and teacher, then there is an assured growth in the performance of the child. We at Vawsum are targeting the overall development of your child. Many people, across ten states in India, have already started using this app and the biggest reason is, VAWSUM assures an overall development of the Student. If you are too want the same for any student, then VAWSUM is the ideal solution. For a better understanding, kindly visit www.vawsum.com
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